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Newspapers in ሃገረ ኤርትራ (ER)

National and local online newspapers and news sites in ሃገረ ኤርትራ

  • Asmarino – Eritrean news portal focused on diaspora and national issues, offering a platform for Eritrean voices.
  • – Eritrean news portal focusing on political, social, and cultural topics affecting Eritrea and the Horn of Africa.
  • Caperi

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    Caperi – Offers news, opinion pieces, and analyses on Eritrean politics, social issues, and regional developments.
  • Eritrea Daily – Focuses on local and international news related to Eritrea, with an emphasis on social and political affairs.
  • Farajat

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    Farajat – A news site that provides updates on Eritrean politics, government policies, and international relations.
  • Jeberti

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    Jeberti – Reports on current events in Eritrea, featuring articles on social, political, and economic topics.
  • Jeune Afrique – Provides a section on Eritrean news, addressing key political and social events in the country.
  • Meskerem – Covers Eritrean news and issues affecting the Horn of Africa, with political and social insights.

Media environment summary for ሃገረ ኤርትራ

Medialandskap och tidningar i Eritrea:

Eritrea har ett starkt statligt kontrollerat medielandskap med tidningar som täcker politiska, sociala och ekonomiska frågor från en statlig synvinkel.

Populära tidningar i Eritrea:

"Hadas Eritrea" – En av Eritreas mest kända tidningar som täcker de största nationella och internationella händelserna.


Digitalisering: Medier i Eritrea har börjat anpassa sig till digitala plattformar trots statlig kontroll.

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